Individualized Living Option (ILO)

What is Individual Living Options (ILO)?

A new way the NDIS can fund flexible, contemporary and personalised home and living support packages for people with low to moderate disability support needs. ILO provides the opportunity to live in your own home, supported by a range of paid and unpaid supports, engaging family and friends. ILO enables you to explore and design different housing and support options for how, where and who you want to live with. This could mean sharing a home with family, friends, partners, or housemates, living in the home of a host family, or on your own. With ILO supports, you will discover and decide the way you want to live beyond accommodation. With ADCS’s support you can create a home based on what a home really means to you. It’s not just about living arrangements but whole of life planning.

Contemporary options of housing and support

  • More choice and control: you choose where you live, who you live with and who provides support.
  • Stronger and more meaningful connections: we focus on building targeted strategies around supports from informal networks to reduce the need for 24/7 paid support.
  • Alternative ways of payment, such as a retainer-type basis.
  • Increased relationships and enhanced safeguards, including strong oversight and monitoring.
  • More options: increased possibility to access mainstream housing as sharing arrangements make housing more affordable and open up opportunities.

Benefits of ILO

  • Person-centred – your housing arrangement is built on your strengths, needs and wishes.
  • Flexible, multi-options- there is a range of options which can suit different needs and wishes.
  • Community inclusion – you can live in any house.
  • Relationships – provides a platform for developing strong relationships.
  • Flexibility around where you live – you are not restricted to where group homes are located.
  • Proven outcomes – hundreds of ILOS are in place already and have been proven for over a decade.
  • How it works – Exploration and design 


We will use a set of tools to discover together your preferences and needs and set the foundation for your preferred housing options moving forward.

After the exploration and design stage you will be able to:

  • Understand your vision and, if necessary, change the mindset of those around you so they understand your preferences and what is achievable
  • Assess what is the right arrangement for you or if there could be other options that might suit you better.
  • Identify your strengths, focusing on what you can do and building on this to design your individual support package.
  • Create strategies to support you to choose where and who you live with, and how you are supported.
  • Find out what’s possible and assess any risks in your preferred way of living. Design and make decisions with the people around you about your ILO.