Medium Term Accommodation

Under the NDIS, Medium Term Accommodation (MTA) is a place to stay if you are unable to move into your permanent home just yet – perhaps because your disability supports aren’t ready, or you are waiting for your long-term accommodation to be sorted. 

To be eligible for NDIS MTA, you must have a home that you can move into, and require somewhere to live for a time limited period. MTA is usually funded by the National Disability Insurance Scheme for up to 90 days, and only covers the cost of the accommodation, not usual everyday living costs such as food, internet, and electricity. You may be able to receive funding for Medium-term Accommodation beyond 90 days if you have evidence that you need it for longer because of your support needs. 

If you have MTA funding included in your NDIS plan, it’s up to you to research NDIS Medium Term Accommodation providers and select the best service provider that suits your needs, although your support coordinator, Local Area Coordinator or planner can help you. By choosing your own provider, you can ensure that you get the kind of accommodation that you want. MTA NDIS has lots of benefits for participants and their families, including: 

  • a safe place to stay with plenty of support while you wait for your permanent accommodation.
  • reassurance while you wait for your home, knowing you’ll be supported in the community.
  • minimising the risk of being admitted into aged care facilities.
  • an opportunity to take part in engaging activities and programs.
  • build your capacity and life skills while waiting for your permanent accommodation.
  • relieves the pressure on your informal support network, giving them peace of mind.
  • enabling you to live in the community, with opportunities for socialising.

Medium Stay Accommodation with ADCS

With local teams around Australia, ADCS provides a wide range of quality Medium Term Accommodation options in Sydney and Adelaide Region. 

As registered NDIS Medium Term Accommodation providers, we offer comfortable and modern homes where you can stay for a few months, with all of the daily life supports you need. This is a great option for NDIS participants who are waiting for their permanent home to be ready and need a safe place to stay in the interim. 

Our Medium-Term Accommodation also offers plenty of opportunities to try new hobbies, learn skills, and take part in enjoyable activities-either on your own, or with the company of others. Activities are designed to enhance your independence and build capacity, with all the supports you need to ensure a safe and enjoyable stay. Our teams are committed to creating a great experience for participants in a supportive home, so they finish their time with us refreshed and enriched. 

Need more information? Got a question? Call us Now on 1300 575 740 

ADCS provides quality Medium Term Accommodation NDIS in Sydney’s suburbs. Our comfortable homes enable NDIS participants from all walks of life to learn new skills, increase capacity and be supported in the community. We also provide respite care for those who need a place to stay while their usual carer is away. 

ADCS provides medium stay accommodation in Adelaide where you can be safe and supported. Take the opportunity to experience fun activities and day programs while learning valuable life skills. We also offer week-long stays, weekend stays and short stays for a 24-hour period, for those who need respite care.